Special Sessions
The conference will include special sessions on highly specialized topic reporting technical trends and breakthroughs within the scope of the conference. Special sessions are organized at the initiative of one or more individuals, who must adhere to specific procedures published in the

The call for special sessions is still open. Extended deadline is 1st of March, 2013. Please allow two weeks for the evaluations of proposals before you send requests regarding your proposal.
Gerhard P. Hancke (SOUTH AFRICA), Dietmar Bruckner (AUSTRIA), Friederich Kupzog (AUSTRIA), Juan J. Rodriguez-Andina (SPAIN)
IECON 2013 Special Sessions:
SS01 - Matrix Converters
Marco Rivera Abarca, Jose Rodríguez, Patrick Wheeler, Haitham Abu-Rub
The world must solve important challenges to control and transform energy in an efficient eway. Examples of this are in transportation, renewable energies and industrial processing applications. These problems can be solved using power converters based on modern power semiconductor devices. The ideal converter in many of these applications may have the following characteristics: i) Sinusoidal input and output currents. ii) Operation with unity power factor. iii) Regeneration capability. iv) Com ...
SS02 - Power Management based on Advanced Identification and Classification Techniques
Thomas Bier, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam, Dirk Benyoucef, Jean Merckle
This special session will be the opportunity to evaluate the latest identification, classification and control techniques applied for power management and power quality improvement. Systems which are included in Smart-Grid, Smart-Home and Smart-Meters will be described. Interesting topics are, but not limited to: - Advanced methods for detection and classification of appliances, Energy Monitoring - Modeling of electrical appliances, electrical systems and power plants - Methods for the classific ...
SS03 - Induction heating systems
Óscar Lucía, Claudio Carretero
Advances in power electronics have allowed a significant development of the induction heating systems, which is a key technology for both industrial processes and domestic appliances. Nowadays this technology is evolving towards more flexible, cost-effective, and efficient systems through the development of the power electronic converter, the control algorithms, and the inductor optimal design. This special session invites papers presenting recent advances in this field with special reference to ...
SS04 - Control and Filtering For Distributed Networked Systems
Qing-Long Han, Josep M. Fuertes, Mo-Yuen Chow
Networking technologies are widely used for data communication and information change. It is becoming more important how to apply such technologies to modern industrial/control systems with a large number of distributed sensors and actuators. The advanced networking technologies have provided a low-cost solution for effective distributed information processing and controlling, resulting in flexible architecture and reduction of installation and maintenance costs. Consequently, networked control ...
SS06 - Multiphase Variable Speed Drives
Emil Levi, Federico Barrero
Electrical systems with more than three phases (including multiphase machines and power converters) are currently widely discussed in the research community. Their intrinsic advantages, such as fault tolerance and/or power splitting, are especially interesting for safety-critical applications (more-electric aircraft, electrical and hybrid vehicles, all-electric ship propulsion). In spite of the considerable recent research and widening industrial use of multiphase systems, this area is far from ...
SS07 - Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Advanced Topologies and Control
Emil Levi, Mario J. Durán
The development of novel topologies and control techniques for wind energy conversion systems (WECS) is currently a topic of interest within the research community. Even though the technology of WECS has matured, the emergence of remote off-shore farms, increasing power rating of wind turbines and the appearance of tighter grid codes are requesting advanced configurations and control strategies. The wide variety of generators (induction/synchronous), converters (multiphase/multilevel), configura ...
SS08 - Intelligent Real-time Automation and Control Systems
Thomas Strasser, Alois Zoitl, Antonio Valentini, Valeriy Vyatkin
Industrial automation and control systems in the manufacturing, power and energy systems as well as logistics sector becoming more and more complex. Usually a huge amount of actuators and sensor in such systems are working together as network of different devices. The latest trend in the research & development shows that the-se devices are becoming intelligent which means that they can perform autonomously tasks. In order to master the complexity of such highly interconnected and collaborative d ...
SS09 - Real-time Simulation and Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems
Georg Lauss, Felix Lehfuß, Filip Andrén, Thomas Strasser
The integration of distributed energy resources, new generation approaches and other novel technologies such as smart grid demand for powerful simulation methods to investigate both component behavior and system level interactions. Prior to installation, the operation of new concepts and technologies should be simulated in order to ensure safe operation and reduce the cost of field testing. To accomplish that, advanced modeling and simulation technologies as well as testing procedures are requir ...
SS10 - RFID Technology & Wireless Sensor Networks
Teresa Riesgo, Jorge Portilla, Jin-Shyan Lee, Antonio Torralba
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technologies have attracted great attentions in recent years. They are active subjects of many conferences and research communities, ranging from theory to applications. The aim of this special session is to provide a forum for international researchers and practitioners to present and share their original works addressing the new challenges, research issues and novel solutions of RFID and WSNs technology. Topics include, ...
SS11 - Diagnostic of AC Machine Based Complex electromechanical systems
Humberto Henao, Shahin Hedayati Kia
Nowadays, diagnostics techniques for electrical machines (motor, generator) have reached a maturity which can help to be implemented in many industrial applications. The aim of this session is to present new contributions showing that electrical machines condition monitoring and fault detection are bringing a plus when associated to electromechanical systems in particular to detect also anomalies from the mechanical part or from the power grid. Topics of interest are limited to: New techniques o ...
SS12 - Ambient intelligence of mobile robots or vehicle with human factors
Kang-Hyun Jo, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Burkhard Wuensche, Laurent Heutte
Technical points or issues on intelligent agent e.g. a mobile robot or vehicles, are underlying acquisition of information with respect to surrounding environment by a variety of sensors and information processing. In the special session, we rather focus on information processing for such sensor data and how to make smooth interaction between human and the system. New approach and experimental implementation will be discussed by the researchers and scholars. ...
SS13 - Recent applications of signal and image processing techniques and pattern recognition algorithms to condition monitoring of electrical machines and drives
Jose A Antonino-Daviu, Ioannis Tsoumas, Elias Strangas
The use of advanced signal processing tools and techniques in the electrical machines condition monitoring area has drawn the attention of many researchers over recent years. Conventional diagnosis techniques relying on classical tools such as the Fast Fourier Transform are being complemented, or even replaced in some cases, by new methods based on modern signal processing tools suited for the analysis of non-stationary signals. These methods can be used for the analysis of transients in electri ...
SS14 - Industrial Wireless Communication and its Applications
Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund
Wireless communication and especially Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) have experienced an explosive growth in the last few years especially because they offer great potential for applications in various scenarios and environments, ranging from applications such as target detection and tracking, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, health, surveillance (e.g., intrusion detection), aviation, traffic monitoring, home, disaster monitoring, agriculture, structural mon ...
SS15 - Network-based Control Systems and Applications
Josep M. Fuertes, Mo-Yuen Chow
Network-based Control Systems (NBCS) can be described by a collection of spatially distributed sensing, controlling and actuation components, which exchange control and feedback signals using information packages over digital communication links. The design, study and application of such systems present challenging and fundamental problems underlying the theoretical foundations for the integration of several disciplines going from Automatic Control to Communications and Real-Time Computing. Dist ...
SS16 - Building Automation – Handling the Complexity
Jan Haase, Gerhard Zucker, Wolfgang Kastner, Yoseba Peña
Today’s building automation systems have reached considerable system complexity: integration of different industries, monitoring, alarming, energy management, flexible operation and many more demand new approaches to handle the integration of all of the above requirements. Methods from the domains of machine learning, inductive statistics, knowledge-based assistance systems and business intelligence can help to solve the problems. The topics in this special session include: - Advanced control ( ...
SS17 - Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives
Sergio Vazquez, Jose Rodriguez, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Hector Young
Predictive control is a very powerful and attractive alternative to control for power electronics converters and drives, due to the advances in modern microprocessors. The use of predictive control offers a number of advantages: very intuitive approach, no need of linear controllers and modulators, easy inclusion of nonlinearities and restrictions, etc. Interest on this topic in the last years has been recognized by the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics in publication of a special sect ...
SS18 - Compliant Robots
Yasutaka Fujimoto, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Naoki Oda
Actuators for assistive devices and assistive robots are required to be compact, high-power, safe, and compliant. Especially safety issue is big concern when the devices directly interact with humans. Introduction of active or passive compliance in robotic actuation brings several advanced properties, such as robustness, energy efficiency, and safety. The scope of the session ranges from theoretical research to practical design and implementation, including, but not limited to: - Compliance Cont ...
SS19 - New Trends in Converter Topologies and Control Methods for Active Power Distribution Grids
Enrique Romero-Cadaval, Dmitri Vinnikov, Joao Martins, Marek Jasinski, Frede Blaabjerg
Nowadays the presence of distributed generation in the Distribution Grid, as well as the need of improving its efficiency and management, requires new devices with new control and monitoring capabilities, for establishing what is named an Active Distribution Grid, which is one the key factors for achieving the Smart Grids of the future. This Special Session is launched with the aim to joint researchers to discuss subjects related with Power Quality, Reliability, Reactive power control, Active po ...
SS20 - Lighting the Future
J. Marcos Alonso, Ricardo N. do Prado, Francisco Azcondo, Tiago B. Marchesan
Undoubtedly, lighting is a hot topic of research. A considerable part of the energy generated in the industrialized world is consumed by lighting fixtures. Therefore, the optimization of both light sources and auxiliary equipment used for their supply becomes an essential issue to decrease energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable world. In the new millennium, Edison’s incandescent lamps have become obsolete and proscribed, giving way to much more efficient light sources based on s ...
SS21 - Haptics for Human Support
Seiichiro Katsura, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Yasutaka Fujimoto
Physical extension and human support based on haptics is key technology for development of future robots and intelligent machines. The scope of the session is present the most innovative results to the large audience of IECON 2013. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Real-World Haptics - Haptic Display - Bilateral / Multilateral Teleoperation - Control for Duality in System Design - Human-Robot Interaction - Acquisition and Recognition of Human Motion - Tactile / Force Sensing ...
SS22 - Network Control Systems for Interactive Power/Energy Networks
Sudip K. Mazumder, Mo-Yuen Chow, Josep M. Fuertes
This special session focuses on control strategies for patially-distributed interactive-power-network (IPN) applications by merging distributed/pseudo-decentralized control and heterogeneous communication (i.e., wireless/fiber-optic/wire based). The idea is to treat such IPNs (that could be legacy-power/smart grid, microgrid, distributed-generation systems, power-electronics networks, electromechanical systems such as multi-axis drives, wireless-power-transfer based systems, or emerging-industri ...
SS23 - Modular Multilevel Converters and other Multilevel Converter Topologies and Applications
Jose I. Leon, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Samir Kouro, Marcelo Perez
Currently, multilevel converters have become a mature and attractive solution mainly for medium voltage – high power applications. The effort of the researchers and industry has leaded to a rapid development of different multilevel converter topologies, modulation techniques and control strategies. Among the recent multilevel converters, the Modular Multilevel Converter is a hot topic in the industry and the academia. In addition, other interesting research topics such as the fault tolerant oper ...
SS24 - Resilience and Security in Industrial Agents and Cyber-physical Systems
Paulo Leitão, Milos Manic, Armando Colombo
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a strategy to address the challenge of developing solutions combining mechatronics and ICT technologies, to face the current requirements imposed by customers acting in a global economy. The use of CPS aims to increase the implementation of large-scale systems, improving the adaptability, autonomy, efficiency, functionality, reliability, safety, and usability of such systems. These systems, developed using multi-agent systems, web services, etc., are being applie ...
SS25 - Smart Building Infrastructures for Integration of On-site Power Generation and Energy Storage
Giovanni Spagnuolo, Weidong Xiao
The session is based on residential home energy systems and focuses on smart house infrastructures, which are flexible to adopt on-site renewable power generation and energy storage contributing to high energy efficiency and demand side management. The submitted subjects should include on-site power generation and/or in-house energy storage, while supports the utility grid upon request. The proposed system allows the building islanding operation based on stored energy and renewable power supply ...
SS26 - Biomimetics and Bionics Robotics
Maki K. Habib, Ju-Jang Lee, Keigo Watanabe, Fusaomi Nagata
The special session aims to bring researchers in the quickly emerging field of Bioinspiration and Robotics. Making biologically inspired intelligent robots requires understanding the biological models as well as advancements in different interdisciplinary areas of research. Biomimetics and Bioinic research approaches incorporate materials and techniques drawn from naturally made substances, and resemble biological systems in structure and/or function as necessary. The evolving of such emerging, ...
SS27 - Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Power Systems Applications
Patrice Wira, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam
This special session will focus the last improvements in advanced digital signal processing techniques and in the field of intelligent systems. These include Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Fuzzy Logic (FL), Genetic Algorithms (GA), but also various adaptive signal processing techniques. Essential aims of these techniques are to identify current harmonics, estimate frequency, filter disturbances, detect voltage quality events, classify disturbances, control loads, manage power flow, analyze si ...
SS28 - Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems
Hiroshi Fujimoto, Makoto Iwasaki, Roberto Oboe, Toshiaki Tsuji
Varieties of mechatronic applications require advanced motion control techniques, realized by integrating smart control strategies, high precision sensing, and innovative actuators. The scope of the session is to bring together prominent researchers in the field of motion control, and to present their results to the large audience of IECON2013. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - High precision actuators and sensors in motion control systems, - High precision positioning techn ...
SS29 - Electric Traction Drives for Road Vehicles
Giuseppe Buja, Chandan Chakraborty, Ritesh Kumar Keshri
With the recent technological advancements and the growing environmental concerns, application of electric drives has gone beyond process industry and household applications to all the transportation means. Focus of this special section is on the electric traction drives for road (electric) vehicles, EVs, including new converter topologies and advanced motion control techniques. Different types of electric traction drives starting from PM brushless ac and dc drives to induction drives are catego ...
SS30 - Cognitive Architectures and Multi-Agent Systems
Dietmar Bruckner, Friedrich Gelbard, Samer Schaat, Alexander Wendt
A lot of effort has been made in developing systems of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and lately Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in order to cope with increasingly demanding and complex tasks, which are managed by humans on a daily base. In opposition to previous approaches that use task models, recent research covers the area of cognitive architectures and develops process models of human information processing by providing architectures, whose structure enables cognitive functions. An appr ...
SS31 - Trust in ICT Infrastructures for Smart Grids
Dominik Engel, Ulrich Hofmann
Various proposals for ICT infrastructures in emerging Smart Grids exist. Many of the proposals to date focus on how ICT can provide the functionality required in Smart Grids. Before real world deployment can be successful, the critical issue of trust needs to be addressed from the perspective of users on all system levels. Dependability and acceptability form two necessary conditions for trust. Dependability refers to certified reliability, robustness and availability of the ICT infrastructure. ...
SS32 - Advances in Energy Storage
Federico Baronti, Mo-Yuen Chow, Sheldon S. Williamson, Nihal Kularatna, Hubert Razik, Roberto Saletti, Walter Zamboni
Recent developments in rechargeable battery and supercapacitor technology create new and attractive opportunities in the field of energy storage systems. Exploiting these opportunities require a deep understanding of these new battery and supercapacitor technologies and the development of novel architectures and algorithms for their effective management. Furthermore, the integration of the energy storage system in both already consolidate and innovative applications is of paramount importance. ...
SS33 - Electronic System Level (ESL) Design and Virtual Prototyping (VP) for Industrial Electronics
Sumit Adhikari, Javier Moreno Molina
Design of Electronic System Architectures and optimization of those architectures at highest level of abstraction is gaining importance in modern day system level applications and designs. However, these complex systems needs to be resolved and defined accurately at system level which are done by Virtual Prototyping of complete system. The accuracy vs speed of execution trade-off is a significant area of study. Another area of interest is reduction in analog/RF area/current by including proper D ...
SS34 - Engineering Tool Integration for Industrial Automation System Development (ETAS)
Dietmar Winkler, Richard Mordinyi, Leon Urbas, Vladimír Marík
Automation systems development project typically include a wide range of different disciplines, i.e., mechanical, electrical, and software engineers, who have to collaborate and exchange data within a heterogeneous engineering environment. Current engineering projects suffer from weak technical integration of applied tools, e.g., for electrical and process planning, and limitations of integrating heterogeneous data models on semantic level. These limitations hinder efficient and effective data e ...
SS35 - V2X Communication Technology Status, Outlook and remaining Challenges
Alexander Paier, Christoph Mecklenbräuker
Cooperative telematic systems (intelligent transport systems) are an emerging area of great significance for safety and comfort of people in the road traffic as well as the environment. 2015 there will be first vehicles, equipped with IEEE 802.11p based cooperative communications systems (vehicle-to-vehicle as well as vehicle-to-infrastructure), on the road. The requirements on such V2X communication systems are very high, especially for safety related applications. Currently there are still ope ...
SS36 - Processes and Tools for Mechatronical Engineering of Production Systems
Arndt Lüder, Stefan Biffl
Mechatronical thinking can change both the design of new manufacturing systems and the execution of engineering processes and tools. Although there are many research activities highlighting benefits, use, and requirements of mechatronical thinking within the engineering of production systems, the overall “big picture” seems missing. To overcome this problem, this special session intends to bring together the isolated research activities within the field of mechatronical engineering and will enab ...
SS37 - Engineering Paradigms for Automated Facilities
Matthias Foehr, Tobias Jäger, Paulo Leitão
The demand for flexible, adaptable, reconfigurable and robust production systems puts high pressure on engineering teams worldwide, in both domains of factory and of process automation. Thus, the application of emergent concepts, paradigms, methodologies and technologies is required. This session seeks for contributions providing the experiences, demonstrations, best practices and roadmaps, which will help the industry to assess the applicability of these new paradigms for fulfilling the above r ...
SS38 - Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems
Samir Kouro, Mariusz Malinowski, Haitham Abu-Rub, Marcelo Perez, Bin Wu
Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source of the last 5 years. In fact, current installed cumulative capacity has grown an average of 75% from 2 GW to 70GW, and is equivalent to 25% of wind power capacity. Today PV plants are well into the megawatt range, and can be found operating up to 290MW (Agua Caliente Solar Project, Yuma, USA), while several more even in the GW range are under planning and construction. Among the reasons are technology developm ...
SS41 - Smart and Universal Grids
Wolfgang Gawlik, Georg Kienesberger, Thomas Leber, Alexander Wendt
Limitations in fossil energy sources and progressing climatic change direct the research focus on innovative and sustainable technologies for energy systems. Especially addressed are the main distribution grids for gas, hydrogen, heat and electricity. Volatile power generation of renewable energies, like solar power or wind energy, challenges the stability of the power grid in the near future, mainly because of lack of storage capacity. At this point, parallel energy infrastructures can be taken ...
SS42 - High-performance power supplies
G. Buja, M.T. Outeiro, A. Carvalho, R. Visintini
Various areas of applications such as medical instrumentation, aero-space, deep sea exploration, and complex particle-physics facilities like the Large Hadron Colliders (LHC) require highly accurate and stable Power Supplies (PSs) of the embedded equipment to avoid any hazard to human being or any mishandling of expensive experiments. PSs for such applications, where cost is often a secondary matter in meeting the strict specification norms, are termed as high-performance PSs. Many associated is ...
SS43 - Power Converters, Control, and Energy Management for Distributed Generation
Akshay K. Rathore, Herbert Iu, Dylan Lu
Distributed generation (DG) is expected to play vital role in future to improve the human living. DG and its integration to local AC grid provide options for economical, continuous, and two-directional power flow (utility interface). In addition, it provides a back-up to support during grid failure or blackouts. Low voltage DC grid derived from DG is safe and may cover significant portion of residential load, which is mostly DC load avoiding inefficient ac/dc power supply. Research is needed to ...
SS44 - Power Electronics, Control, Motor Drives, and Energy Management in Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles
Akshay K. Rathore, David Dorrell, Fei Gao
Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) are means of green transportation system for next generation or future as they are quiet and environment friendly. FCVs and EVs are on road successfully but competitive cost is a challenge. This issue will be over with research progress on these topics and once the mass production starts. Further Research is needed to push these technologies and make the environment noise and carbon free. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? ...
SS45 - Aspects of Design and Manufacturing in Electrical Machine Design for Variable-Speed Drives and Generators in Automotive and Renewable Energy Applications
David Dorrell, Ke-Han Su, Jonathan Shek
After successful Special Sessions at previous IECONs on innovations in electrical machines and drives this Special Session is aimed on carrying on this series of sessions with the objective of showcasing innovations in the area of electrical drives and generators, including variable speed operation, for renewable and automotive applications. This is an area of rapid development at the moment. This time an emphasis should be put on design, particularly linked electromagnetic and thermal design as ...
SS46 - Advanced Signal Processing Tools for Failures Detection and Diagnosis in Electric Machines and Drives
Mohamed Benbouzid, Demba Diallo
Most of the used failure detection and diagnosis techniques perform spectral analysis, such as Fourier or MUSIC techniques. Although these techniques exhibit good results in stationary conditions, they are not well-suited for a majority of electric machines and drives applications. Indeed, these applications environment is predominantly nonstationary due to transients or variable speed operations. In this context, the involved signals are usually nonstationary, embedded in noise, and can contain ...
SS47 - Industrial Agents
Paulo Leitão, Stamatis Karnouskos, Armando Colombo, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Peter Göhner, Arndt Lüder
The prevalence of IT and cyber-physical systems in all aspects of life, is currently imposing very strong requirements, demanding personalized/customized products and solutions, that integrate intelligence and are able to handle tasks delegated by the owners. This implies for instance shorter delivery times and shorter life-cycles, forcing companies to adapt their processes by having flexible, reconfigurable production plants. This leads to the challenge of having systems that exhibit better re- ...
SS48 - Advanced Control of Low Voltage Distribution Networks
M. Stifter, L. Ochoa, Benoit Bletterie
High penetrations of (renewable) distributed generation and future loads (such as electric vehicles) can negatively impact the operation of distribution networks. Optimised volt/var control by means of reactive and active power management of network elements and participants is an effective way to increase the networks’ ability to hosting low carbon technologies without violation of thermal or voltage limits. Furthermore optimised control can also be implemented to cater for other objectives, su ...
SS49 - Emerging methods and technologies for Eco-Factories engineering and control
Claudio Palasciano, Paola Fantini, Gerrit Posselt, Rafal Cupek
Academia and industry are getting aware that economic and environmental performances, and specifically efficiency in usage of energy and manufacturing resources, are important for success in the current competitive landscape: the future manufacturing enterprises need novel methods and technologies for the future Eco-Factories. Industrial Informatics, Control Systems, Robotics, Sensors, Actuators and Systems Integration technologies have to be harmonized under an holistic perspective that, exploi ...
SS50 - Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
Edmund Widl, Sebastian Lehnhoff, M. Stifter
Modern energy systems combine information technology, electrical and thermal infrastructure, autonomous roles and interact with other systems like markets and regulations. Existing modeling and simulation tools are not capable to cover such systems in all of their aspects, new languages, methods and tools are necessary. A combination of universal modeling languages like Modelica and established, specialized tools like grid simulators and telecommunication simulators is necessary. This leads to m ...
SS51 - Intelligent information processing for the Smart Grid: innovative estimation, control and optimization methods
Gerasimos Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano, Nikolaos Zervos
As the demand for electric power increases the operation of the electric power grid is pushed to its limits. Under these conditions it has become imperative to operate electric power generation units in a faultless and uninterrupted manner, to optimize power management and to minimize power losses. To succeed this, investing in equipment renewal would not suffice on its own. It is also highly important to implement efficient estimation, control and optimization methods that will be based on inte ...
SS52 - Advanced Control Strategies for Wind Turbines Fault Ride-Through Capability Enhancement
Mohamed Benbouzid, Marwa Ezzat, Lennart Harnefors, S.M. Muyeen
During the last decades, many large wind farms have already been installed so far and recently huge offshore wind farms have also been integrated into power grids. As wind power capacity has increased, so has the need for wind power plants to become more active participants in maintaining the operability and power quality of the power grid. Hence, it becomes necessary to require wind plants to behave as much as possible as conventional power plants. Therefore, an increasing number of power syste ...
SS53 - Self-organising, robust Automation Systems
Joern Ploennigs, Dirk Pesch, Suzanne Lesecq, Antonello Monti
Large scale embedded monitoring and control systems are found in many applications such as buildings, manufacturing, energy systems, transportation, security and safety. These systems continuously grow and are constantly integrated into larger systems from cyber physical systems, internet of things to systems of systems. At the same time the requirements for these systems become more dynamic and have to adapt constantly to new situations. This renders the design, commissioning and maintenance of ...
SS55 - Special Session on Verification of Hardware Systems and Circuits
Florian Schupfer, Michael Rathmaier
The reliability and correctness of designed hardware products gets an intensified attention in recent years. Design flaws which are shipped to customers damage the reputation of the manufacturer especially in industrial applications but also in less sensitive fields like consumer devices. Verification of designed products start at system level and will reach down to the manufactured product where test sequences end the verification process. Verification is typically applied on purely digital cir ...
SS56 - High Power Factor Rectifiers
Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad
In most applications such as variable-speed drives, power supplies, electrochemical industries and HVDC transmissions, the electric power is converted into a DC form in order to facilitate its exploitation. This conversion is still carried out in most cases by conventional power converters that yield power quality degradation and cause severe impacts on the performance and reliability of the power grid. Various harmonic-free rectifiers for power factor improvement were recently introduced. A tre ...
SS57 - Advanced Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Generation Systems under Heavy Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources and Nonlinear Loads
Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad
The integration of nonlinear devices (motor drives, renewable energy generators) into the grid reduces its power quality, performance and reliability. Various power electronics converters for harmonic compensation were recently introduced. Great efforts are continuously deployed on the structural and control levels to achieve optimized cost-effective solutions for power quality enhancement. This session is intended to give an insight on the latest studies concerning the design and development of ...
SS58 - Current Status of Intelligent Spaces, Conversion of Robotics, Mechatronics, Control and Interfaces
We have been working for Intelligent Spaces (iSpaces) which have functions of understanding environments by networking sensors and serving people by using Mechatronics/Robotics devices. In iSpaces Robotics play important roles from a view point of human-machine interaction. And there have been a lot of human robot interaction technologies such as gesture recognition, voice recognition, human face recognition, and etc. Intelligent Spaces are good targets to integrate many kinds of technologies. ...
SS59 - Systems and devices for promoting energy efficiency in compressed air systems
Norma Anglani, Francesco Benzi, Carlo Cecati, Luc De Beul
The production of compressed air takes roughly 10% of electricity of the industrial sector in OECD countries [1]. The study and optimization of such kind of systems provide a broad field to experiment with interdisciplinary research, that may involve energy conversion systems , monitoring and controls, real time systems, Electrical Machines & Drives, Sensors, Actuators and, in general, issues on Systems Integration. This session wants to collect researches that may be suitably addressed or custo ...
SS60 - Control Techniques for Efficient Management of Renewable Energy Micro-grids
Carlos Bordons, Luis Yebra
Since efficient and safe power distribution along with minimised and balanced power consumption is an important part of the economic activity, the development of new control techniques for energy management is a growing field of research. Nowadays, the coordinated operation and control of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) together with controllable loads and storage devices are central to the concept of microgrids (MG). MG can operate interconnected to the main distribution grid, or in an islanded ...
SS61 - Renewable Energy Sources and their Integration to grid Power Supply
Akshay K. Rathore, Sanjib K. Panda
Renewable energy sources (Solar PV, Wind, Fuel cells, etc.) are seen as important components of future smart energy network ranging residential systems industrial systems to generation systems. Renewable energy based supplement generation and storage improves grid reliability and security. It ensures continuity of power supply and low transmission losses when installed at distribution centers. At the user end, it facilitates low electricity utility bill, own back-up, and introduces options for ...
SS62 - Demand Response integration in the Smart Grid
Sara Ghaemi, Christian Elbe
The challenges of successful integration of renewable energy resources in to the electricity grid will require additional power system flexibility. Demand response (DR) may be able to provide this flexibility at low cost. Many DR studies have been conducted and various algorithms have been developed. Now smart decisions need to be made in order to select the most appropriate solutions. Topics of interest of this special session include, but are not limited to: ? Scalable, decentralized decision ...
SS63 - Photovoltaics: Characterization, Modeling and Simulation Methods
Stephan Abermann, Rita Ebner, Elisabeth Mrakotsky, Marcus Rennhofer
Innovation in photovoltaics is closely linked to the support of measurement and characterization. Measurements are needed at all different levels of R&D: from the investigation of the operating principles of solar cells to the standards for the performance of installed PV systems. Understanding the relations between structure, physical properties, and the resulting PV performance is an exemplary problem in materials science and engineering, and most critical for the development of the next gener ...
SS64 - Energy and Information Technology
Peter Palensky, Hiroaki Nishi
Numerous attempts are made to solve energy problems, especially reducing CO2 or promoting natural energy. In smart grid, smart community, smart city and other concerning new approaches, energy management or control technologies have been actively studied. In particular, interdisciplinary alliances are required to solve these problems, and among them, information technology and its applications show a big potential for energy problems. Information technology is a key component from data acquisiti ...
SS65 - Fault tolerant power converters for automotive applications
Arnaud Gaillard, Abdesslem Djerdir, Sheldon Williamson
Power converters in automotive applications like Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) or Electric Vehicle (EV) used for the power train or auxiliary circuits (per example Battery Management System) have to respond to challenging issues such as low weight and small volume, high efficiency, high power density, low cost and low electromagnetic interference. Moreover, the reliability and continuity of service of power train are nowadays major concerns in automotive applications. Actually, the presence of f ...
SS67 - Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Manfred Schrödl
Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) get increasing importance for drive solutions. They offer a very high efficiency, high compactness and are well controllable with high dynamics. However, normally, a mechanical sensor for detection of the rotor position is necessary (Hall sensors, encoders, resolvers etc). However, these mechanical sensors reduce robustness considerably and increase costs, space and complexity of hardware. Hence, a sensorless solution by calculating rotor position an ...
SS68 - Human Support Technology on Human Factors
Kang-Hyun Jo, Hiroshi HASHIMOTO, Sho YOKOTA
Realization of Human Support Technology to support high quality life requires not only considerations of the human factors including physical and mental characteristics but also a consideration of a relationship between such an individual characteristics and a social background which the individual belongs. In order to realize a truly functioned Human Support Technology, it should be integrated various studies in many human related fields widely: Robotics, Mechatoronics, Sensing, cognitive scien ...
SS69 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Power Converters
Abdelali El Aroudi, Damian Giaouris
Switching power converters are probably the most commonly used electronic devices as they can be found from simple domestic applications to military and space systems. The ever increasing need for higher efficiency, smaller size and lower cost make the analysis, understanding and design of such converters extremely important, interesting and even imperative. One of the most neglected features in the study of such systems is the effect of the switching action in the stability of the converter tha ...
SS71 - Health and Sustainable Technologies for Next Generation Home and Building Automation
Kim-Fung Tsang, Candy HY Tung, Gerhard Hancke
In recent years, the paradigm of home and building automation shifts from offering comfort environment and convenience to achieving healthy and sustainable lifestyle. As a result, new technologies are needed to provide promising features such as healthcare, energy management, energy auditing, demand side management …etc for next generation home and building automation systems. This special session aims at networking novel researches for Health and Sustainable Technologies in numerous aspects inc ...
SS72 - Advanced Controllers for High Performance AC Drives
Chandan Chakraborty, Carlo Cecati
Advanced control theory is always very attractive for application in AC drives. However, industry needs controllers those are easily realizable, less computation-extensive and easily understandable. Therefore, there is always a gap between the theoretical development and the corresponding implementation. This special session aim to explore the use of advanced control theory for AC drives. Special emphasis will be given on easy implementation of the controllers. Topics of interest include but a ...
SS73 - Advanced Active Power Filters & Static VAR Compensators
Chandan Chakraborty, Kamal Al-Haddad
Industrial growth has quite often been at the cost of environmental degradation. Therefore, consciousness of environmental cleanliness is made strong and all efforts are put now for green technologies. Use of adjustable speed drives, diode rectifiers, induction furnace and other non-linear loads have increased productivity but at the expense of injecting harmonics and/or reactive power loading into the system. Active power filtering and static VAR compensation are an extremely important topic. I ...